Krista Robertson
My name is Kristine Robertson, everybody calls me Krista. I am originally from Chicago but have lived here in the valley for so long I pretty much consider myself a Phoenix native. I am an alumnus of Arizona State University and a proud Sun Devil. I graduated in 2010 with my bachelor’s degree in education and went on to teach for four years in the Tempe and Kyrene Elementary school districts. There I worked with some amazing students and developed a passion for helping people of all ages to learn new things. This year I decided to challenge myself to learn something new by pursuing a job in a cutting edge field outside the classroom.
Getting to know you Questions!
What’s your favorite part about working at Inspired LED?
So far my favorite thing about working her has been helping people come up with unique and creative ways to enhance their homes with lighting. I am big into design and home décor so it is awesome for me to see what is being done around the country with our products. I am also excited about the opportunity to work with such a fantastic and dedicated group of individuals here at Inspired LED!
What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
I actually really enjoy trying new and exotic foods, I guess the strangest thing I have ever tried would probably be fish cheek. It was tiny, as you might imagine, but it was delicious!
If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
I would love to live another life as a house cat; that laid back routine of eat, sleep, play, sleep, seems like it would be very enjoyable!
Are you a morning or night person?
I definitely do my best work in the morning, I wake up productive and ready to go. By evening I usually prefer to wind down and relax with a book and a cup of tea.
Tell us about a unique or quirky habit of yours!
As a teacher I spent many years building a library of children’s books, I probably own more picture books than chapter books, honestly. As a result of this passion I often view my experiences in the context of a story. As little things happen throughout the day my mind starts to imagine how such stories could be illustrated or what morals could be learned. I often spend time writing about these ideas at the end of the day. Who knows, maybe someday one of my old students might pick up a book and recognize the name of their former teacher!
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