Now that you have finished the kitchen and your lighting looks fantastic, what’s next? The other most popular room in your house of course, the bathroom! Bathroom Lighting is constantly underrated, unappreciated, and in some cases can make or break the design of the room. Below are a few examples of easy and inexpensive ways to give your bathroom a little something special.
Lighting in the bathroom can come in many shapes and forms. Cans, tracks, wall lighting, pendents, in or above a mirror etc, all with their respective considerations for the design of the bathroom. Here we like to focus on the atypical uses for our LED lighting in creative and conspicuous ways! To the left is one example of our lighting being used as a toe-kick light under the vanity. This toe-kick is great for accenting the items below the floating vanity, while also being a handy night-light. This set up is easy to add on to an existing bathroom, and is something that can be left on all the time if needed! You will need a single flexible strip, we recommend: Super Bright Flexible Strips, and your choice of either powering with a hardwired system, or utilizing an electrical outlet for a power supply.
Mirror Lighting

Another popular way to utilize the flexible strips is as an accent light is behind a mirror in the bathroom. This form of lighting is not only convenient, but can be used as the main focal point in the room. This is a great inexpensive way to transform an old or new mirror without having to remodel! This set up will require similar components as the above toe-kick design utilizing a flexible strip of your choice, and either a hardwired or plug in system. Currently our Cut and Connect kits are on sale for a limited time, and they are the perfect solution for a complete kit at a fantastic price. Again this can be a great accent light when left on as a night-light!
For more design ideas check out our gallery, and with any questions or lighting suggestions you have, feel free to contact us at (480)941-4286 or